If you want your online marketing plan for your business to succeed, then it is important for you or your internet marketing specialist to have a good understanding of Google, and how their algorithms determine search engine rankings for sites like yours. First, a little piece of trivia that might help you understand the Google mindset a little better; did you know that the Google company headquarters lawns are mowed not by machines, but by rented goats that eat the grass on the lawns? This is just one little factoid about the company. If you want to get great rankings from search engines such as Google, it is important to have a much more in depth understanding of the company and how they rank sites.
One good thing to know is that companies that keep blogs have over 4 times as many indexed pages, which can result in getting more leads. Also, when you want to find a cost effective way to get the marketing results that you are looking for, you should know that in bound leads, such as those that come from search engine optimization, cost about 61 percent lower than outbound lead generation, such as cold calling. In addition to getting great rankings from search engines, mobile optimization is key. After all, as of 2012, over 70,000,000 users shop use a mobile device like a tablet or a smart phone, and that number is continuing to grow. About two thirds of mobile internet users rely on using search engines on their tablet or smartphone to find a local business so that they can make a purchase, so having a site that is easy for mobile users to navigate is becoming as important of a consideration as finding out how to get great rankings from search engines.
Talk to an SEO or SEM firm in your area, and find out how they can help you get great rankings from search engines so that you attract customers, and how you can optimize your site for mobile users so that making purchases is a breeze for them.